Estimated Price

200 ₺

service fee only

Device to be repaired

Problems with the device

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Estimated price is based on the device you select. If an unreported problem is detected during your device's inspection, you will be informed.

After the inspection, if you do not accept our offer or if your device is unrepairable, the order price will be updated as our minimal service fee, which is 200 TL. If your delivery address is in Istanbul, you may prefer to pay at your door with credit card or cash, otherwise you can wire transfer your payment. If you request a backup device, TL will be added to order total price. Minimum service fee 200 TL applies to devices under warranty as well.

Cepfix Express offers same day delivery for battery and screen replacements. Devices are repaired at authorized service points. Additional fees apply.

Cepfix Services Authorized Service Point
Any device repaired at Cepfix Services gets a Cepfix Warranty. If your device is still under warranty, warranty conditions apply. If warranty conditions are not met, the authorized service will make a price offer.
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What's the address your device is located at?

Please select a pick up method first.

Where should we pick up your device from?
Where should we bring your device back?
Fatura hangi adrese kesilsin?
Additional Information
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You can make your payment during delivery via credit card and/or cash.

You can make your payment via wire transfer after the repair is completed.

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You can track your order using the tracking code below or by signing in to your account. Order confirmation and tracking code are also sent to your email address.


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